In January, low-wage workers in Tennessee will be missing out on pay hikes seen in 23 other states. In the new year, the minimum wage will reach or exceed $15 an hour for some or all employees in eight states and 47 cities and counties. Jeff Strand, director of public policy for the Tennessee Disability Coalition, said the state's current minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is too low, especially for people with disabilities. He pointed to research showing it costs more to live with a disability in Tennessee, making a higher wage even more crucial." Nationwide, it costs 27% more income to achieve the same standard of living as someone without a disability, if you have a disability," Strand explained. "In Tennessee, that number is 51% more income to achieve that same standard of living. That low level of wages and income has a much bigger effect on people with disabilities." According to the National Employment Law Project, the minimum wage will rise in 2025 due to cost-of-living adjustments in 14 states and 39 cities and counties. The U.S. Department of Labor recently proposed a rule to eliminate even lower subminimum wages for workers with disabilities. Strand emphasized Tennessee has already abolished the subminimum wage, and he advocates for other states to follow suit." We were actually able to ban subminimum wage for people with disabilities," Strand pointed out. "Prior to that piece of legislation, there would be these places -- we'd consider them, like, sheltered workshops -- where just people with disabilities were doing rote, repetitive tasks all day and getting paid, you know, a buck-25 ($1.25) or something like that." The Labor Department invites public feedback on the proposed rule until Jan. 17 to be considered in the rulemaking process.
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